Design guidelines

Design guidelines

Design guidelines

1 – Urban Planning

    1. Coastal Zone (PRG). From an urbanistic point of view, the project area belongs to the Coastal Belt. According to the Technical Norms of the General Regulatory Plan of Palermo, these areas require detailed plans of intervention of public or private initiative and aimed at the fruition of the coast. The project can be considered as an implementation plan and an urban norm itself.
    2. The Plan of Use of the Maritime State Property (PUDM) identifies the intervention area among those ones subject to reclamation, relying to it for the identification of new uses. To date, only a small part of the area between the Bandita marina and the artificial promontory has been identified as suitable for recreational activities not related to bathing. Moreover, the PUDM recognizes the presence of the old Vernengo brick factory as a resource to be enhanced and provides for its maintenance.

2 – Relationship with the heritage

    1. We point out the presence of artifacts of industrial archeology, for which it is suggested to identify new uses that can accommodate functions to support the livability of the park (reception, refreshment, toilets). Applicants will evaluate the appropriateness of demolitions, justifying them.
    2. We point out the proximity with the Tower of Acqua dei Corsari, that is not directly involved in the design area, but for which it is hoped that appropriate actions will be taken to connect it with the park, including through soil modeling and reconfiguring the parts assigned to the sports center of the Guardia di Finanza.

3 – Remediation. It is assumed that suitable and effective reclamation interventions will be carried out as a prerequisite to the creation of the park. Excavations are not allowed unless justified with specific description. Landscape designations on new vegetation proposed in the Reclamation project sponsored by the City are not binding.

4 – Vegetation. Applicants are asked to evaluate planting of species resistant to environments with prevalent saline aerosol, using the species listed in document “Technical-scientific indications on the vegetal component” by Prof. Paolo Inglese

5 – Movement direction

    1. Ensure accessibility and movement for all categories of users
    2. Define a road system inside the park that is mainly for pedestrians and cyclists, but that can also guarantee access to the vehicles necessary for the maintenance of the area, possibly considering the new bike path proposed by the City of Palermo
    3. Provide resting areas in the shade and with drinking water supply points
    4. Provide parking spaces and stalls for bicycles and scooters, even in sharing.

6 – Sea. Applicants are asked to guarantee the accessibility of the coastline also through structures suitable to favor the relationship with the water, without excluding the possibility that this part of the coast could become swimmable again. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate the insertion of piers and landings.

7 – Art. Consider the chance to insert works of environmental art and areas and devices for free artistic expressions.

8 – Program. Establish a functional program that includes:

  1. Areas dedicated to non-competitive, neighborhood and informal sports (playgrounds set up for basketball, volleyball and beach volleyball, skatepark and fitness areas)
  2. Areas dedicated to children’s play according to major age groups (0-3 years, 4-8 years and 9-14 years)
  3. Refreshment areas, possibly recovering the existing buildings in the area.

9 – Theater of the Sun

  1. The theater should be considered an element that strongly characterizes the area also according to the perspective of the inhabitants, so it should be maintained
  2. It is possible to evaluate whether to propose an intervention that modifies the current setting, enlarging or reducing it
  3. It is desirable to propose actions that can ensure a better level of use of the area during shows and community events

10 – Materials, maintenance and sustainability

  1. Using appropriate materials and specific technical solutions, the design of the park must ensure the permeability of the soil for the surface water balance
  2. Interventions should be carefully calibrated to ensure the lowest possible maintenance
  3. It is suggested to pay attention to the theme of energy sustainability of the park, taking advantage of the characteristics of the site and resorting to systems, such as photovoltaic and micro-wind systems, which ensure the energy needs of the park compared to the various designed functions and equipment.

Prof. Arch. Manfredi Leone
professore associato di Progettazione e architettura del paesaggio, Università Palermo