Competition rules

Competition rules

July 09, 2021 UPDATE

The Direction of the Competition, due to the pandemic that has slowed down activities and interactions among students, in Italy and abroad, in agreement with the organizing Board, states that:
– registration deadline is extended to September 15;

– FAQs can be received by September 5.

All other rules and terms remain unchanged.


PARCO LIBERO A vision for the landscape of the Acqua dei Corsari headland

Auctioneer/ Organizer of the contest:

Associazione Parco Libero OdV
Via Lombardia 20 – 90144 – Palermo

with IASLA – Italian Academic Society of Landscape Architecture

and with the patronage of:

  • Comune di Palermo
  • Università degli Studi di Palermo
  • SITdA, Società Italiana di Tecnologia dell’Architettura
  • AIAPP – Associazione Italiana di Architettura del Paesaggio
  • Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Palermo
  • Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia
  • Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia – Palermo
  • Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare di Sicilia Occidentale

General coordination: Manfredi Leone with Giancarlo Gallitano

Secretary: Margherita Accascina, Annalisa Metta





 The competition is an international call for ideas on the theme: “Landscape Design of the Libero Grassi Park in Acqua dei Corsari – Palermo”

The area is located along the east coast of Palermo, in the locality of Acqua dei Corsari. It is an artificial headland filled-up in the 1960s. The area will be used as a public park, named in memory of Libero Grassi in 2013, an Italian businessman murdered in 1991 by the mafia for opposing the extortion racket.

Competitors must intervene within the perimeter identified in the graphics available on the website, following the instructions contained in Design guidelines document, in PL_03 Masterplan and in the ‘Multidisciplinary approach”.

The proposals are asked to envision an exemplary and symbolic landscape, able to recover a neglected area in a new peripheral park, full of scenic as well narrative value.


ART. 2


This call is open to students enrolled in the Schools of Landscape Architecture and the Schools of Architecture and graduate students (sessions celebrated from 2018 forward), of any country and nationality.

Both individuals and groups of students are admitted. Each team must formally nominate one of its members as the team leader, who will represent the team at the Auctioneer.

The teams can be composed by students with different education, i.e. both students in landscape architecture and architecture.

Students from any other fields (including, but not limited to, urban planning, agriculture and forestry science, environment, arts and humanities, economics, law, engineering, etc.) can be involved as consultants.

The same participant or consultant cannot be part of more than one team.

The authorship of any proposal will be attributed to all the members of the group, with equal titles and rights.


ART. 3


People from the following categories are not allowed to take part in the contest:

  • the members of the Judging Commission and their relatives up to and including the fourth degree;
  • the members of the Steering Committee of the Auctioneer;
  • those who participate in the drafting of the announcement and the attached documents or who are part of the Scientific Committee of the competition.


ART. 4


The registration to the Competition “PARCO LIBERO” must be made by 24.00, September 15, 2021 (previous date July 16, 2021).

Application is anonymous and has a cost of Euro 30.00 (per group), that can be paid through the PayPal platform or by bank transfer using the page

The reason for payment must indicate the wording Donation to the Associazione Parco Libero for applying to the ideas competition.

When delivering the entries (by 12.00 am, October 15, 2021), applicants will add the receipt of the PayPal payment or bank transfer, including the transaction code, to the administrative documentation (art. 8).



ART. 5


 The following documents and graphic materials will be available on the website provided in part by the Municipal Administration and in part produced by the Auctioneer:

However, the organization is not responsible for the malfunctioning of the telematic systems.


ART. 6


Each competitor or team must be identified through an eight-characters alphanumeric code, to be reported on the documents, as specified below. For example, 12345678, or ABCDEFGH, or PARCO123, freely selectable. The code must not give rise to the recognition of the participant.

Each competitor or team must have generated an email address of the type, for example to be used for all communications to and from the secretariat.

The documents to be sent consist of:

  • technical-descriptive report with an indication of the assumptions, criteria, purposes, and data of the project, in A4 format (vertical), for a maximum of 10 (ten) sides (12 typeface, Arial font), cover excluded; only the identification code must be shown on the cover, under penalty of exclusion; the report can be illustrated by images, diagrams, tables;
  • n° 3 (three) A2 format boards (horizontal). At the bottom right of each table, the code (8 alphanumeric characters, Arial font 18 mm high) must be reported in a rectangular space of 10 cm at the base by 2.4 cm in height, with a white background and spaced from the edge of the board 1.5 cm per side, according to board layout.

The tables must contain at least one floor plan/planIvolumetric from the 1/2000 scale onwards towards greater detail, as well as profiles, sections, three-dimensional images, diagrams, sketches, and photo-insertions.


ART. 7


The administrative documentation to be delivered consists of:

  • For each competitor, both in case of individual or group participation, a pdf file containing the chosen identification code and the complete personal details, University and School of affiliation (file ADM_01);
  • In case of team, PDF file showing the identification code of the proposal with the appointment of the team leader signed by all the participants and relative delegation to represent the group (file ADM_02);
  • PDF file showing the identification code of the proposal with the declaration of authorization for the processing of personal data pursuant to Italian Law 675/96 signed by the participant and, in case of team, by all the members or relative disclaimer for foreign members (file ADM_03);
  • Copy of a valid identity document for each

The organization reserves the right to ask after the award assignment:

  • plain paper certificates of registration at home university, released not before 120 days from the date of delivery of the graphic materials (self-certifications are not valid).


ART. 8


The delivery of the contest is in digital mode.

Delivery methods other than those indicated below will not be considered valid.

The documents referred to in articles 6 and 7 must be sent, filed in a single zip folder ( see below), to the competition secretariat only via WeTransfer at the address by 12.00 of October 15, 2021. The organization of the competition is not liable for non-deliveries and/or delays.

  • The email to be used for sending the files must be anonymous and generated with gmail and refer to the 8-digit alphanumeric code chosen, i.e., for example;
  • All the documentation sent must be contained in a single compressed folder named with the 8-digit alphanumeric code that identifies the participant(s) that will be chosen by the participant(s);
  • Within this main folder, two subfolders must be prepared: the first containing the administrative documentation and named “CodeEight_doc” (for example ABCD1234_doc) and the second named “CodeEight_pro” containing the required project documents;
  • A PDF copy of the payment via PayPal or Bank transfer must be inserted in the administrative documentation folder;
  • All the files sent must be named by reporting at the beginning the code of EIGHT digits that identifies the participant(s), in particular the project documents must be named as follows: “CodeEight_rel”, “CodeEight_tav1”, “CodeEight_tav2” and “CodeEight_tav3”;
  • The files must, under penalty of exclusion, be devoid of the “Owner” and “Computer” information in order to ensure the anonymity of the authors.

The file sent, in * .zip format, must contain a folder named with the identification code of the proposal. The root folder must contain:


The folder will be called ‘CodeEight -pro’ (ABCD1234_pro).

The folder will contain the following files:

  • pdf (ABCD1234_rel.pdf), with the descriptive report (max size 15 mb);
  • pdf (ABCD1234_tav1.pdf), with board 1 in pdf format (max size 15 mb);
  • jpg (ABCD1234_tav1.jpg), with board 1 in jpg format (300 dpi, max size 15 mb);
  • pdf (ABCD1234_tav2.pdf), with board 2 in pdf format (max size 15 mb);
  • jpg (ABCD1234_tav2.jpg), with board 2 in jpg format (300 dpi, max size 15 mb);
  • pdf (ABCD1234_tav3.pdf), with board 3 in pdf format (max size 15 mb);
  • jpg (ABCD1234_tav3.jpg), with board 3 in jpg format (300 dpi, max size 15 mb);


The folder will be called ‘CodeEight-adm’ (ABCD1234_adm).

The folder will contain the following files:

  • pdf (ABCD1234_A1.pdf), with the identity of the competitor or competitors;
  • pdf (ABCD1234_A2.pdf), ), with the designation of the team leader, in the case of participation in team;
  • pdf (ABCD1234_A3.pdf), with declaration of authorization for the processing of personal data pursuant to Italian Law 675/96;
  • pdf (ABCD1234_A4.pdf), with the identity documents of all participants;
  • pdf (ABCD1234_A5.pdf), with the copy of the payment via PayPal or Bank transfer.

PLEASE NOTE: the Files MUST BE FREE of metadata or other information that could make them recognizable, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.

The material will not be returned in any case, it will remain the property of the Auctioneer, except as provided by the current legislation on the protection of copyright.


ART. 9



Launch   –   June 11, 2021

Registration   –   deadline 24.00 of   July 16, 2021 new deadline September 15, 2021

FAQ   –   deadline 24.00 of    July 16, 2021  new deadline September 05, 2021

Answers to FAQ   –   deadline 24.00 of   July 30, 2021  new deadline September 10, 2021

Submission   –   deadline 12.00 of    October 15, 2021

Results Announcement on the competition website   –   November 10, 2021

Award ceremony and inauguration of the exhibition   –   November 20, 2021


ART. 10


The auctioneer may exceptionally extend the terms of delivery and announcement of the winners in order to achieve a general advantage for the best outcome of the Competition or for unforeseen conditions and needs.

The extension will be published and disseminated in the same manner as the competition announcement, with adequate advance notice no later than 15 days before the deadline established by this announcement.


ART. 11


The Jury is made up of ten effective members with voting rights.

The Jury will be composed of:

  • Arch. Manfredi Leone, Contest coordinator, as the Chair;
  • Alice Grassi, President of Parco Libero Association;
  • Sergio Marino, Councillor of the Municipality of Palermo;
  • Arch. M. Luisa Germanà, Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo;
  • Paolo Inglese, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Sciences of the University of Palermo;
  • Fabio Di Carlo, President of IASLA;
  • Arch. Mario Losasso, President of SITdA;
  • Maria Cristina Tullio, President of National AIAPP;
  • Gualtiero Parlato, the President of the Council of Architects of Palermo;
  • Patrizia Di Dio, the President of Confcommercio Palermo

The meetings of the Jury are valid with the presence of at least 5 (five) members and can be held electronically.


ART. 11


The projects will be evaluated individually by each member of the Jury according to the following table of criteria and values:


Integration in the context 1÷20
Feasibility 1÷10
Landscape and Architectural Quality 1÷35
Originality and innovation 1÷20
Quality of representation 1÷15
Total 1÷100


ART. 12


The secretariat will carry out, before the examination of the documents, an investigation phase aimed at verifying the admissibility of the proposals in terms of compliance with the conditions established by the announcement.

Once this phase has been completed, the Jury will move on to examine the project documents, evaluating the proposals and formulating a ranking of the first ten proposals that will refer to the criteria referred to in the previous article.

Once the ranking has been formed, the Jury will proceed with the identification of all competitors and the subsequent verification of the documents and any incompatibilities, after which it will award the prizes. In the event of exclusion of an award winner, as a result of this check, the first following competitor in the ranking will take over.

Any awarded competitors will be notified within 7 days of the conclusion of the Jury’s work, by e-mail, and the ranking will be published on the competition website


ART. 13


The Competition will end with the awarding of the following prizes:

  • first prize € 3,000 (three thousand / 00);
  • second prize € 1,500 (one thousand five hundred / 00);
  • third prize €00 (seven hundred and fifty / 00).
  • ‘finalist project’ certificates for all those classified from fourth to tenth position, in compliance with the rules of the announcement;
  • certificates of participation for all competitors in compliance with the rules of the announcement, which can be used for the purpose of recognizing university training credits;
  • the organization reserves the right to award special mentions and prizes.


ART. 14


The organization reserves the right to set up an exhibition and release a publication with the participating projects, unquestionably selected and represented. By participating, the competitors grant all rights to the reproduction of the graphics by any means, without prejudice to the intellectual property of what has been conferred. 


ART. 15


This announcement will be published on the website and sent by e-mail to the most of the Schools of Landscape Architecture, Italian and foreign universities.


ART. 16


The Auctioneer and the bodies sponsoring the Contest, in addition to awarding the prizes, have no contractual obligation with the winners of the Competition, remaining free to use the design ideas of the participants in the competition for further exhibitions, publications and cultural initiatives.


Download “Competition rules” pdf file

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